Lend a Hand -- Heal a Heart

Lend a Hand -- Heal a Heart craft

What good deeds can you do? Celebrate volunteer efforts and connect with other people!

  • 1.

    Talk with friends, parents, and teachers or other group leaders about the many ways people can help others. Make this project with a friend to show how much you care!

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    On construction paper, trace around your friend’s spread-out hands with a Crayola Washable Marker. Ask your partner to trace your hands on another sheet. Color your hands with Crayola Multicultural Markers.

  • 3.

    You might read a story to your little brother or serve snacks at a club meeting. How does it make you feel when you volunteer to help? Show your ideas in a colorful picture. Describe your act of kindness or community service with words, too.

  • 4.

    Share your creation with others to encourage them to volunteer.