Log Cabins

Log Cabins craft

Abraham Lincoln lived in a log cabin, but less colorful than this one. Everyone feels right at home with a structure that reminds adults and kids alike of happily coloring with Crayola® Crayons.

  • 1.

    Cover your work area with recycled newspaper. Lay a recycled, closed, box on its side. Begin to cover your Log Cabin with Crayola Crayons. Leave spaces for doors and windows if you like. Break crayons to fit, or ask an adult to cut them with a knife. Store the knife in a safe place.

  • 2.

    Glue crayons to each other and onto the box with Crayola School Glue. Dry. Repeat until all sides are covered.

  • 3.

    Construct a peaked roof on top of the box by layering crayons and gluing. Dry.

  • 4.

    Repeat with fewer crayons in each layer to form a triangle. Dry between layers.

  • 5.

    Top off your Log Cabin roof with a crayon with its wrapper removed.