Sunset Over the Sea

Sunset Over the Sea craft

Make a 3-D scene of your favorite beach sunset. Show palm trees, lighthouses, or even crumbling pillars along the Greek coast!

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    What kind of beach sunset will you always remember? Sailboats coming into a harbor? Poseidon's temple on the Agean Sea? Flying a kite on the sand? Wherever it was, here are some ideas for making a 3-D version of your favorite sunset scene.

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    Cover your craft area with recycled newspaper. With Crayola® Scissors, cut watercolor paper to fit inside a box lid. Use Crayola Watercolor Paints to create a sunset-over-the-sea scene. Air-dry the paint.

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    With Crayola School Glue, attach the background to the inside of the box lid.

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    Cut cardboard tubes into palm trees, lighthouses, or pillars, or other scenery. Paint them with Crayola Washable Kid’s Paint. Air-dry tubes.