Alike or Different?

Alike or Different? lesson plan

  • 1.

    Collect an assortment of double images: two identical brochures, magazines, postcards. Personalize the activity with children’s photographs, or shots of their pets or families.

  • 2.

    Children who make their own games usually set just the right challenge for their perceptive skills.

  • 4.

    With your friends, find at least 4 pairs of pictures that are exactly the same. Find at least 8 more pictures that look similar, but don’t match. Cut out pictures with Crayola® Scissors (age 4 and older). Younger children tear out the pictures.

  • 5.

    To make folders: On one file folder, use Crayola® Washable Markers to write the word same. Write different on another folder.

  • 6.

    Glue the sides of both folders shut with Crayola® Glue Sticks. On the same folder, glue a matching pair of pictures. On the different folder, glue two that do not match.

  • 7.

    To make cards: Attach all other pictures to index cards with glue sticks.

  • 8.

    To sort: Mix up the cards. Find the pairs and file them in the same folder. Place the ones that do not match in the different folder. Can you explain what’s different about them?

  • 9.

    Draw your own card designs and make up games with friends for even more fun.


  • Asking Questions
  • Reading Pictures
  • Vocabulary
  • Physical: Eye - Hand Coordination
  • Physical: Small Muscles
  • Social & Emotional: Flexibility
  • Thinking: Observing
  • Thinking: Understanding Concepts