Art Gallery

Art Gallery lesson plan

  • 1.

    Make brief visits to art galleries, museums, and exhibits. Focus on one or two creative ideas, such as finding sculptures of people, or looking for different colors. Call attention to gallery features.

  • 2.

    Invite local artists to show art techniques such as how to use modeling compound or watercolors. Involve children creatively.

  • 3.

    Encourage children's multiple intelligences as you discuss which art to hang, choose background music, plan gallery job roles, and engage in pretend play. Substitute index cards for labels with children younger than 3, or cut labels for them.

  • 4.

    With your friends and an adult, plan an art gallery, perhaps in a hallway or outdoors. Decide on how many works the space can hold, what media to include, how to choose displays, and how art is to be shown.

  • 5.

    Select and prepare art for exhibit. With Crayola® Glue Sticks, attach flat pieces to construction paper or poster board for a mat effect. Find or make tables, pedestals, or shelves for sculptures.

  • 6.

    Four-year-olds cut white construction paper into labels with Crayola® Scissors (3-year-olds use index cards, or an adult cuts for you). For each piece that will be exhibited, write with Crayola® Fine Line Washable Markers: artist's name, work title, crea

  • 7.

    Set up your art gallery with a play cash register, computer, and telephone (make these for even more creative experiences).

  • 8.

    Choose a name for your gallery. Make a large, colorful sign with markers and Crayola® Glitter Glue.


  • Asking Questions
  • Letters, Numbers & Words
  • Vocabulary
  • Physical: Eye - Hand Coordination
  • Physical: Large Motor
  • Physical: Small Muscles
  • Social & Emotional: Making Friends
  • Social & Emotional: Negotiating
  • Social & Emotional: Pretend Play
  • Thinking: Creating
  • Thinking: Observing
  • Thinking: Problem Solving