Gone Fishing

Gone Fishing lesson plan

  • 1.

    Fishing has an air of excitement that captivates children. What will they find on their hook? When they put this game together, they may be in for even more surprises.

  • 2.

    Close adult supervision is required to ensure children’s safety when using paper clips, dowel sticks, yarn, and magnets. Choose this project only if children can do nearly everything themselves, and no longer put nonfood objects in their mouths. Children

  • 3.

    Watch fish in an aquarium, and study how fish live in water. Visit fisheries, lakes, and related industries so children gain a sense of the shape (and smell) of the real thing.

  • 4.

    What do you catch when you go fishing? Fish? Crabs? Seaweed? With Crayola® Construction Paper™ Crayons, draw pictures of your catches. Add details such as eyes to your drawings.

  • 5.

    If you are 3 or younger, use the whole paper if you wish. Or tear out your picture, or ask an adult to cut it out. Four-year-olds and older cut out your catches with Crayola® Scissors. Write your name on the back. Attach a paper clip to each piece.

  • 6.

    Cut 2 feet of yarn or string (an adult cuts yarn for children 3 and younger). Tie one end to a dowel stick. On the other end, tie a magnetic strip.

  • 7.

    With your friends, prepare your pond, river, or ocean. Put your fish in a bucket, plastic pan, or child’s swimming pool. Carefully share the fishing space with your friends.


  • Letters, Numbers & Words
  • Stories
  • Vocabulary
  • Physical: Balance
  • Physical: Eye - Hand Coordination
  • Physical: Large Motor
  • Physical: Small Muscles
  • Social & Emotional: Making Friends
  • Social & Emotional: Pretend Play
  • Thinking: Creating
  • Thinking: Problem Solving