How do I clean my Scribble Scrubbies

We have some tips to help you get the very best results while cleaning your Scribble Scrubbies Pets.

For Best Results:

  • Gently scrub your pet under running water after play and let it air dry before storing.
  • Use the scrub brush to help release marker inks from the tiny fibers (flocking). DO NOT PLACE SCRIBBLE SCRUBBIE PETS IN A DISHWASHER.
  • Let your pets dry before a second use. Coloring on damp pets allows the ink to wick under the fibers, making the color harder to rinse away.

Still See Color on Your Pet After Scrubbing Under Running Water?

  • If colors have been left on your pet for several days, you may need to soak it in water for 20-minutes.
  • If the stain persists after a 20-minute soak, soak overnight.

Always Keep in Mind:

  • The fresher the color, the easier to clean.
  • Soap has little effect when cleaning your pets.
  • Fresh coloring typically requires a rinse under the faucet, while concentrated coloring may require light scrubbing under a faucet or an overnight soak.



  • Fill the tub 3/4 of the way up
  • Pump steadily, 40 times
  • Slower and steadier pumps work best