Beautiful Banners

Beautiful Banners lesson plan

  • 1.

    Children might create a festive banner about a favorite book, to remember a trip, or to honor animals.

  • 2.

    The first time children make banners, demonstrate one step at a time. Circulate as children work. Comment on the art elements and principles they are using in their designs.

  • 3.

    Adapt ideas to children’s art skills. Crayon resist adds dimension to any project. Fabric banners offer yet another medium.

  • 4.

    To make the pointed end of your banner, on the bottom of a large sheet of white construction paper, use a ruler and Crayola® Construction Paper™ Crayons to mark a triangle. Cut out the triangle with Crayola® Scissors.

  • 5.

    At the other end of the banner, fold over the edge about 2 inches from the top. Cut a piece of colorful yarn long enough to make a hanger. Tie the yarn in a loop. Put Crayola® School Glue along the inside of the crease in the banner. Lay the yarn on the

  • 6.

    Design your banner. Choose a center of interest, and fill the space around it. Press hard with crayons to make strong colors and texture. Make interesting patterns. Write your name and date, too.

  • 7.

    Covr your work area with recycled newspaper. Put on a Crayola® Art Smock. Paint over your drawing with Crayola® Washable Tempera and So Big® Brushes. The crayon will resist the paint and make designs pop from your banner. Dry overnight.

  • 8.

    To add sparkle, decorate your banner with Crayola® Glitter Glue.


  • Reading Pictures
  • Stories
  • Talking
  • Physical: Eye - Hand Coordination
  • Physical: Small Muscles
  • Social & Emotional: Flexibility
  • Social & Emotional: Understanding Feelings
  • Thinking: Creating
  • Thinking: Problem Solving