Stop Soil Pollution

Stop Soil Pollution lesson plan

See with clear vision the forces that cloud our air, water, and Earth’s soil.

  • 1.

    <STRONG>What pollutes?</STRONG> We only have one Earth with its soil, rivers, oceans, and air. Look around your neighborhood for pollution culprits. Are there factories that spew chemicals into water? Do people drive when they could walk or take public transportation? Is soil eroding at mines or around construction sites? Make a list of pollution that you see (or smell) during one week. Then make a diorama to show the ways that soil and rivers are being harmed.

  • 2.

    <STRONG>Show the environment.</STRONG> Inside a box (you may need to line it with white paper), draw the backdrop for your scene with Crayola Markers.

  • 3.

    <STRONG>Picture polluters</STRONG>. On recycled file folders, draw various causes of pollution. You might show vehicles in traffic with dripping oil, chemicals being sprayed on lawns or fields, or garbage being dumped in landfills. Leave a tab on the bottom of each figure. Cut out pictures with Crayola Scissors. Fold tabs. Glue pictures to your scene with Crayola School Glue. Air-dry.

  • 4.

    <STRONG>Take action!</STRONG> Share and compare your findings with classmates. Identify ways that pollution could be cut in your community. How can you get the message out to kids and grownups?


  • Students identify polluters in their neighborhoods.
  • Students examine their own actions in light of pollution.
  • Students graphically present their findings in 3D format and identify ways to advocate for reducing pollution.


  • Initiate a "clean up your act" program where students commit to making changes at home and school regarding pollution.
  • Imagine the world 50 years from now if pollution is not slowed. What would be different about your town? Write a story about your area. Then write one that describes what would happen if pollution were reversed.
  • Think about other kinds of pollution, such as noise pollution. Are these as harmful? Why or why not?
  • Assessment: Evaluate the levels of observations and accuracy of depictions of local polluters. How realistic and effective are students’ plans for getting the message out? How detailed are their dioramas?