All Aligned in Alphabetical Order

All Aligned in Alphabetical Order lesson plan

Getting words into alphabetical order is as easy as A-B-C with Crayola Color Switchers. Colorfully identify key letters to organize words with similar beginnings.

  • 1.

    Putting words in alphabetical order can be fun, especially if you use the second, third, or fourth letter in the word. Compile a list of words to put in order. Choose words you like, such as names, spelling words, or words from a dictionary. Ready for a challenge? Choose words that start with the same letter or letters.

  • 2.

    <STRONG> List the words</STRONG>. Write words in random order on the left side of your paper with Crayola Color Switchers. (The right side will be where you write your alphabetized list.) Remind yourself of the order of letters. Sing the English ABC song to yourself or write the alphabet at the top if you like.

  • 3.

    <STRONG> Color-code your words</STRONG>. Use the opposite end of Color Switchers to write over the first letter of each word. TIP: You can alphabetize the first letter of each word when all the words begin with a different letter. When words begin with the same letter you must alphabetize by the second, third, or sometimes fourth letter.

  • 4.

    <STRONG> Search</STRONG>! Look for words that start with each letter of the alphabet, beginning with words that start with a, then b, and so on. <STRONG> If</STRONG> only one word begins with the letter, write it in your alphabetized list with a Color Switchers marker. <STRONG>If </STRONG>more than one word begins with the same letter, use a different Color Switchers color to write over the second letter in each of the words. Figure out the order of this group of words. Write them in order on your alphabetized list. <STRONG> If</STRONG> words start with the same two or more letters, write over the similar beginning letters in each word. Order the words by looking at the first letter that is different in each word. Add them in order to your alphabetized list.


  • Students organize lists of words alphabetically.
  • Students write and rewrite words using correct spellings.
  • Students identify and color-code key letters in words as they compare and arrange words into an alphabetical list.


  • At first, write the alphabet at the top of the page using an under color. As you sort through a list of words beginning with different letters, write over each letter of the alphabet with an over color as you find words beginning with that initial letter.
  • Children with special needs may especially benefit from singing the alphabet song while pointing to or holding up manipulatives for each letter. Children can also make alphabet strips for individual use.
  • Self-assessment: To check your finished alphabetized list, use Color Switchers to write over the first letter of each word. Are they in ABC order? Now check the words that start with the same letters. Write over the letters that are the same in these groups of words using an over color. Use a different color to write over the letter you used to put the words in order. Are they in ABC order?