Alligator Alley

Alligator Alley lesson plan

Create an Alligator Alley art gallery to display paintings and information about alligators and how humans impact their survival.

  • 1.

    Investigate information about alligators, including environmental necessities for their survival. As a class, identify human actions that help or hurt alligators' chances of survival in their native environment. Discuss the effects of pollution and development on alligator habitats. Make a list of steps people can take to reduce pollution in areas where alligators live.

  • 2.

    Cover the work area with recycled newspaper. Use Crayola® Artista II® Tempera Paint and Paint Brushes to paint the alligator, water, and grassy areas. Use a craft stick to scrape away wet paint to show white curved lines emphasizing the alligator's movements in the water. Dry.

  • 3.

    Paint portions of the alligator and its surroundings with another color. While the paint is wet, use craft sticks to scrape away lines of wet paint to texturize the alligator's skin and to show blades of vegetation.

  • 4.

    Use a similar technique to paint block-lettered signs on poster board with anti-pollution messages. Create an Alligator Alley display.


  • Children recognize alligator body parts, feeding patterns, habitats, and conditions necessary for their survival in the wild.
  • Children identify ways that people influence the quality of life of all creatures on Earth, including themselves and alligators.
  • Children create an Alligator Alley display of artwork and anti-pollution messages.


  • Assist children whose language skills are still developing to create their anti-pollution messages. Provide correct spellings, big paper, and large paint brushes.
  • Older children research pollutants in native alligator habitats. Write letters to legislators from the area asking for their help in keeping waterways clean and free of pollution. Display photocopies of letters in Alligator Alley.
  • Research the differences between alligators and crocodiles.