Impasto Presto!

Impasto Presto! lesson plan

Ever try impasto? Famous artists including Rembrandt and van Gogh used this 3-D technique! Create bold paintings with Crayola Texture It! Mixing Medium.

  • 1.

    Find out about artists who used a technique called impasto—thick, textured paint with visible brush strokes—to create 3-D effects. How did they make textured paint? Learn more about some of their famous paintings done in this style. This is a quick, contemporary way to achieve much the same effect!

  • 2.

    To create your impasto mixture, tear soft paper such as facial tissue or tissue paper into small pieces. In a bowl, use a craft stick to stir Crayola School Glue with the paper.

  • 3.

    Cover your art area with newspaper. Spread the impasto mixture on watercolor paper with a craft stick or other tool. Experiment with different amounts and styles of application. Air-dry your work on a flat surface for at least a day.

  • 4.

    Combine Crayola Premier™ Tempera Paints with the Texture It! Mixing Medium. Bold color combinations look great on impasto! Prepare a variety of different colors and combinations to get dramatic effects. Paint your impasto surface with Crayola Brushes. Air-dry your painting.


  • Children research famous artists who used impasto techniques and identify their works.
  • Students recognize the differences between 2- and 3-dimensional art.
  • Students experiment with impasto painting and the use of texture to achieve their intended effects.


  • Vincent van Gogh is known for his impasto work. Research detailed information on van Gogh’s life and work.
  • Experiment with different impasto ingredients. What else could you add to the glue to create texture? How will this alter your art?
  • Assessment. Students evaluate their work based on content, technique, and design. They write a short essay on artists who use impasto and how added texture in art can be used to express emotion and 3-D effects.