Patchwork Quilt

Patchwork Quilt lesson plan

Create a patchwork quilt without sewing? Sure! Combine your imagination with geometry and Crayola® Color Switchers™ Markers to design a cool contemporary version of a warm, beloved tradition.

  • 1.

    The craft of quilting goes back at least to ancient Egypt. It is still done today in countries around the world. Kuna Indians, for example, use quilting techniques to make Molas, in which they layer, cut, and stitch cloth to create intricate patterns.

  • 2.

    Patchwork quilts traditionally were made with bits of fabric, either new or recycled. Quilts are usually made in one of two ways. Some quilters stitch pieces of colorful cloth (patches) to each other (called blocks) first. Then they place cotton batting in the middle and stitch the blocks to backing fabric. Other quilters sew one piece at a time onto the filling and backing. Sometimes quilt makers stitch over their patches with colorful threads to add more detail and color.

  • 3.

    Find out more about the history and myths about quilting in your area or in another country. Then you’re ready to design a quilt that’s totally today!

  • 4.

    To begin your contemporary quilt, draw one irregular shape on paper with a Crayola Color Switchers Marker. Use straight or slightly curved lines for the edges (these shapes would be easier to sew, if you were making an actual quilt).

  • 5.

    Color in your shape with Color Switchers Markers. Flip the Marker and apply the special color switcher to add patterns to your patch.

  • 6.

    Repeat this process, making one piece at a time. Use one side of the patch you made before as the beginning edge for your next one. Keep adding patches until your entire paper is "quilted."

  • 7.

    Add additional patterns to the outer edges of each patch for a polished look to finish your quilt.

  • 8.

    Display the quilts everyone in your class made as part of an exhibit about your country’s history, fiber arts around the world, geometry, or another topic. Quilts cover lots of subjects!


  • Children compare and contrast fiber arts from a variety of cultures and time periods.
  • Children draw a patchwork quilt using irregular geometric shapes and bright colors.
  • Students display their quilts as part of an exhibit.


  • Research the story quilts created by Faith Ringgold. Compare her quilts to patchwork quilts. How does each kind of quilt tell its own story?
  • Compare patchwork quilts to other types of quilts. How are they similar? How are they different? Draw a quilt with a traditional pattern using Crayola Color Switchers.