Goalie's Goal

Goalie's Goal craft

Capture the action with this 3-D soccer display. Show your team's colors! Go for the goal!

  • 1.

    Perhaps the most widely played game in the world, soccer, is called football by the most countries. The term soccer was coined in the United States. The U.S. already had a game called football, so this new sport was named association football. The name was shortened to assoc., then soc., and around 1895, it became called soccer. Today, men and women around the world play the game.

  • 2.

    Check out a soccer game in your neighborhood, on TV, or a video. Find pictures of local or famous teams.

  • 3.

    To make your own soccer action triarama, open a recycled file folder and cut it into a large square with Crayola® Scissors. Fold the square into a triangle, and then fold it the other direction to make a smaller triangle. Open the file folder and cut along any one of the new folds from the edge into the center of the square. Later, you will slide one of the cut pieces under the other to create a three-sided soccer stadium. Save the piece you cut off.

  • 4.

    With Crayola Erasable Colored Pencils, illustrate soccer fans, the stadium, and the field (on one of the two bottom triangles). On the cut-off piece of file folder, draw soccer players and the goalie. Leave tabs at their feet to fold under for support.

  • 5.

    Make a box with chenille sticks for the soccer goal. Tie yarn or string to the sides of the box. Weave the yarn into a net. Attach extra chenille sticks to each side for support.

  • 6.

    Roll Crayola Model Magic into a ball. Dry. Add soccer ball details with a Crayola Marker. Dry.

  • 7.

    Slide the bottom triangle of your triarama under the soccer field so your triarama stands up. Secure the bottom with Crayola School Glue. Glue players' feet tabs to the field. Glue on the soccer ball. Dry and display!