Loveable Lion

Loveable Lion craft

From loveable lions to cute cows, children enjoy creating friendly animals. Writing a story further develops kids' imaginations and literacy skills.

  • 1.

    Shape yellow Crayola® Model Magic® to create a lion's body. Add two front and two back legs. Pinch the ends to create toes. Make a tail with a coil of modeling compound.

  • 2.

    Shape more Model Magic for the lion's head. Create Model Magic whiskers, eyes, nose, ears, and a mouth. Press to attach to the lion's face. Make lots of thin rolls of modeling material if your lion has a mane. Attach mane hair to the head.

  • 3.

    Attach the head to the lion's body, pinching seams gently to seal. Dry.

  • 4.

    Name your lion. What would you do if you had a lion friend? Write a story about the lion's adventures using Crayola Colored Pencils. Or write a tale as if the lion were telling it.