Mirror Name Creatures

Mirror Name Creatures craft

See what critter emerges from this way-cool idea to decorate your name. Twistables™ do the trick every time!

  • 1.

    Fold white paper in half the long way. With Crayol Twistables, write your name along the fold in BIG, WIDE letters. Make sure the bottom parts of the letters touch the fold.

  • 2.

    Go over the letters with more crayon. Rub hard so that a lot of crayon comes off on the paper.

  • 3.

    Refold the paper with your name on the inside. Rub hard on the outside of the paper with a wooden spoon or similar tool. You are getting the crayon to stick to the other side of the paper.

  • 4.

    Open up and see what shape your name and its mirror image made. Turn the page until you see a creature emerge from the design.

  • 5.

    Add features such as eyes, arms, or hair to flesh out your critter.

  • 6.

    Try this trick with different letter styles. Mix capital and lower-case letters. How many different mirror creatures can you create with your name?