We Three Kings

Three Kings

Celebrate Three Kings Day with a silhouette painting of the wise men. Create a beautiful night sky with Crayola® Watercolor Paints and salt.

  • 1.

    Three Kings Day is on January 6 and is widely celebrated in the Hispanic culture.

  • 2.

    On a piece of Crayola Marker & Watercolor paper, paint an evening sky with blue and purple Crayola Watercolor paints and brushes. Paint a brown strip of land at the bottom.

  • 3.

    Sprinkle salt on the picture to resemble stars in the sky while the paint in still wet. Set aside the painting with the salt on it until it dries.

  • 4.

    Cut out pictures of the three wise men and a camel with Crayola Scissors and trace onto a piece of black construction paper. Cut out the black silhouettes of the three wise men and a camel. Younger children may need adult assistance with this step.

  • 5.

    When the watercolor painting is dry, carefully brush off the excess salt from the paper.

  • 6.

    Place the black silhouettes on the painted paper and glue in place with a Crayola Glue Stick.