Silvery Flutes

Silvery Flutes craft

Imagine you're James Galway or Kokopelli playing your own Silvery Flute! Can you whistle to make your own beautiful melodies?

  • 1.

    Flutes are played in nearly every culture in the world. To create your own pretend Silvery Flute, use Crayola® Scissors to cut a paper towel roll down one side. Roll your tube tighter, to make it about the size of a flute. Tape the tube to hold it together.

  • 2.

    Use a Crayola Gel Marker to color the tube. Is your flute silver? Or some other shiny color?

  • 3.

    Wrap bands of colored yarn around sections of the flute so the flute color shows through. Use Crayola School Glue to hold the ends of the yarn in place. Air dry.

  • 4.

    Listen to flute music from various countries. Imitate the sounds you hear on your Silvery Flute.