Walk-to-School Finger Puppets

Walk-to-School Finger Puppets craft

Who walks with you to school? Are you on a walking school bus? Learn your route with these finger puppets!

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    Do you walk to school? Have you ever heard of a walking school bus? It has a route and kids, but no bus or driver. Communities set these up for children who live close to their school. It makes sure kids walk to and from school safely. An assigned adult supervises the walk. The walking school bus picks up registered children along the way.

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    Make some finger puppets for your own pretend walking school bus. Draw your walkers' bodies (no legs) with Crayola® Crayons on a recycled file folder. With Crayola Scissors, cut out your walkers.

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    To make legs on each walker, draw two circles next to each other at the bottom. Make sure the circles are large enough for your fingers to fit through and move around. Ask an adult to help you cut out the circles.

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    Dress your puppets for warm weather, cold days, or rain. Make hair from yarn if you like. Cut out construction paper umbrellas and backpacks. Attach them to your puppets with Crayola School Glue. Dry.

  • 5.

    For even more fun, draw a street map on a large paper. Walk your school bus kids to school!