President’s or Prime Minister’s Portfolio

President’s or Prime Minister’s Portfolio lesson plan

How are elections held? What do government leaders do? Begin with a briefcase that opens up new branches of learning.

  • 1.

    <STRONG>Learn about leaders.</STRONG> Find out how and when the leaders of your country are chosen. Learn about the jobs that presidents and prime ministers do. What are the names and accomplishments of your country’s leaders since you were born? Your grandparents? From your country’s beginning? Here’s a way to record what you learn.

  • 2.

    <STRONG>Make a briefcase.</STRONG> Fold a large rectangle of construction paper in half lengthwise or use a recycled file folder. On more construction paper, draw two handles with Crayola Twistables®. Cut them out using Crayola Scissors. Glue them to the inside top of the folded paper with a Crayola Glue Stick.

  • 3.

    <STRONG>Keep track of history.</STRONG> On the front of the briefcase, draw a picture of a president or prime minister. Fill the outside with more pictures to describe the person’s life. For example, a cherry tree could symbolize George Washington, the first U.S. president. Inside the portfolio draw or write more information, such as years in office and what was accomplished.


  • Students identify how and when their country’s leaders are chosen.
  • Students research information about their country’s leaders, past and present.
  • Students record their knowledge about one leader with symbols and written descriptions.


  • Swap portfolios so you can see how your classmates interpreted what they heard or read.
  • Have a class discussion on the difference between historical fact and legend, using examples from the leader’s life and students’ work.
  • Assessment: Verify accuracy of symbols and information.