Sorry Day Apology Book

Sorry Day Apology Book lesson plan

Art can help heal deep, historic wounds. Create a book to show knowledge and feelings about regrets of the past and ways to build a better future.

  • 1.

    As you study history, you learn about lots of amazing events. You also learn about terrible occurrences with tragic outcomes. Do you think that those facts should be ignored when the studying a country’s history? Why or why not?

  • 2.

    Not so long ago in Australia, systematic discrimination was practiced upon the Aboriginal people. At one time, the government removed children from their homes to be educated, and some never saw their families again. To learn more about historic events in Australia or elsewhere, do in-depth research.

  • 3.

    What can we do now? you might ask. "I wasn’t there, I didn’t do it." That is true, but it is important to acknowledge that wrongs were committed. How could you try to make amends for things that happened in the past?

  • 4.

    In Australia, on the same day when the country celebrates its establishment as a nation, January 26, people also acknowledge the pain and suffering that this caused the native people. There are public ceremonies, people may express their sorrow at Web sites, and some people make apology books. These books are a place to write feelings about what happened. They help people remember the past so that history does not repeat itself. Show that you understand historical events, in Australia or any country, by making a book to record information and feelings.

  • 5.

    Fold a stack of white paper into quarters. Unfold it once, like an open book in front of you. With Crayola® Scissors, cut out a piece of fun foam a bit larger all around than the book pages.

  • 6.

    To bind the pages together at the center fold, <STRONG>ask an adult </STRONG>to help you use a large yarn needle. Poke five holes down the spine of the fold. With sturdy thread, sew the pages together. Come up through the bottom hole and leave a tail of t

  • 7.

    Cut open the folds along the top of the pages to create separate pages. Close the pages to form a book.

  • 8.

    To make the book’s sturdy cover, spread the top first page with Crayola School Glue. Stick it to the open piece of fun foam. Smooth out any bubbles. Open the book and glue the last page to the foam. Make sure the book can be closed with ease and that the

  • 9.

    Think about historical episodes that you have learned about and that you never want to occur again. How can you visually depict that on the cover of your book? Draw the cover with Crayola Oil Pastels. As you draw, blend and smooth the pastels with paper t

  • 10.

    Inside, use Crayola Erasable Colored Pencils to write and illustrate historic facts. For highlights on your drawings, erase small sections. Include your personal apology for any hurt and harm. How can people make new beginnings that promote harmony and ju


  • Students think about the study of history and its importance to the present and future of civilization.
  • Students objectively examine the role of a nation or group’s role in historical events that have mistreated or harmed people.
  • Students acknowledge their concern about these past actions and demonstrate their desire for peace and justice by expressing their feelings through language and visual arts in a book.


  • In 1998, the Australian government published a report about the forced removal of Aboriginal peoples for 150 years, ending in 1970. It recommended that all Australians express their sorrow and celebrate a beginning of new understanding, presenting the not
  • The discipline of apology is a part of various cultures and religions around the world. Study its role in Japanese culture as well as in Judaism and Christianity.