Space Travel Stories

Space Travel Stories lesson plan

An out-of-this-world imagination helps you write and illustrate a space adventure.

  • 1.

    Research information from several sources about the first walk in space. Interview family members or neighbors who may remember this walk, and find out their reactions to it.

  • 2.

    Use Crayola® Metallic Crayons, Colored Pencils, and/or Gel Markers on dark paper to create a picture of an early or super-modern space vehicle. Include a window view of the inside of the vehicle showing you (as a person or alien) traveling through space. Add details to the surrounding space, including shooting stars, planets, satellites, flying debris, and other space vehicles.

  • 3.

    With metallic colored pencils on white paper, write about what you saw on the adventure. Write whole sentences.

  • 4.

    Cut your sentences into strips with Crayola Scissors. Arrange the sentences into paragraph groups that tell about one part of the trip. Leave out or rewrite any sentences that don't fit well into a paragraph.

  • 5.

    Rewrite your story in metallic colors, making each group of sentences a different color. Add a cool metallic border and display with your space vehicle drawing.


  • Students research information and memories about the first walk in space by Russian cosmonaut Colonel Leonov on March 18, 196
  • Children draw a picture of themselves as a space traveler in a space ship to stimulate creative writing about adventures traveling through space.
  • Children write a series of related sentences with a central idea, incorporating details relevant to the topic of space travel, and arrange the sentences into paragraphs.


  • Write a theme story with a humorous twist, such as send a talking banana into space to visit fictional fruity planets. Illustrate funny scenes using Crayola Metallic FX Crayons. Add the text with Crayola Metallic Colored Pencils on dark paper. Share with
  • Send your space traveler to a new planet to discover a new metallic color. Write a story about how the color was discovered and its amazing powers! Choose one Crayola Metallic FX Crayon to represent the new color in your story. Design a front cover and il
  • Younger children and those with special needs may need assistance with writing stories. Invite older students or parent volunteers to transcribe children's ideas for them. Students can create star and planet borders around transcribed stories.