Stay-in-Touch Portrait

Stay-in-Touch Portrait craft

How do you stay in touch with friends and family? E-mail? Letters? Phone? Display colorful portraits of people you love who live far away near your computer or desk.

  • 1.

    Who do you wish you could see more often? It might be friends who moved away, grandparents, or other family members. When you stay in touch with people you love, you like to picture their smiling faces. The next time you send e-mail, write letters, or call them on the phone, keep them by your side with this portrait.

  • 2.

    Can you remember what the person you miss looks like? Would it help to look at a photograph? Follow these steps to make a cool portrait.

  • 3.

    On paper, outline the person’s head with Crayola® Colored Pencils. Fill in the darkest shades and shadows on the face next. Add the main features such as twinkling eyes and a smiling mouth. Blend different colors to mix skin tones.

  • 4.

    Now it’s time to make your portrait look almost real. How? Erase color on the lightest areas of the face, such as sparkling eyeballs or a shiny nose.

  • 5.

    Color in the rest of the scene. Show pets, scenery, phones or computers, and furniture.

  • 6.

    Post your drawing by your computer or desk. The next time you stay in touch, you’ll know that person is by your side. You might even draw a self-portrait to send to them!