Hats & Bats Puppets

Hats & Bats Puppets lesson plan

Everyone can be a player with these sporty Model Magic® hand puppets. These glove and rod puppets are stars!

  • 1.

    What’s your favorite sport? Design your own team of athletic puppets! Try either one of these ways to create puppets, or invent your own.

  • 2.

    <STRONG>To make glove puppet</STRONG>: Form Crayola Model Magic into a puppet head-sized ball. Stick your ring and middle fingers into the bottom of the head so it stays on your hand. Shape a face. Poke in some parts and add modeling compound for eyes, nose, and mouth. Form ears and forehead. Air-dry your puppet head.

  • 3.

    If you want a shiny puppet, seal it with a glue mixture. Here’s how: Cover your art area with newspaper. Mix equal amounts of Crayola School Glue and water in a foam produce tray. With a foam brush, cover the dry Model Magic. Air-dry the coating.

  • 4.

    Using Crayola Fabric Markers, decorate the front and back of a recycled glove. Make it look like a player’s uniform. Slip the head on your gloved fingers. You’re ready to put on a show.

  • 5.

    <STRONG>To make rod puppet</STRONG>: Follow Step 2 to form your puppet head. Poke a small wooden dowel or Crayola colored pencil into the head (like a neck). With more Model Magic, make two athletes’ hands large enough to hold sports equipment. Poke a dow

  • 6.

    If you want a shiny puppet, follow step 3.

  • 7.

    Cut fabric for the player’s jersey with Crayola Scissors. Poke a small hole for the neck to fit through. The material will hang like a poncho, with arms on sticks coming out of the sides.

  • 8.

    With Fabric Markers, design the sports jersey with numbers, name, and designs. Slip dowel through fabric. Wrap a rubber band around the fabric inside the neck to hold the uniform in place.

  • 9.

    Work your rod puppet with two hands, one holding the head stick and the other working both hand sticks. It takes some practice!

  • 10.

    Use Model Magic to form sports equipment for your players, such as helmets and balls. Make their sizes match your puppets. Air-dry the sports equipment before you and your classmates re-enact the big game!


  • Students create hand puppet heads from modeling material.
  • Students choose rod or glove-style puppets and clothe them in sports uniforms.
  • Students present a puppet performance using their creations.


  • Perform a sports poem such as "Casey at the Bat" or the famous "Who’s on First" sports routine by Abbott and Costello.
  • Compose a puppet play about sports safety. Demonstrate how to use sports equipment correctly.
  • Find an important historical moment in sports history and recreate it. Some possibilities: Jackie Robinson’s Brooklyn game or Jesse Owens’ Olympic victory.